Friday, September 7, 2007

So, you're on bed rest for half your pregnancy...

One reader named Deborah emailed to say she's sixteen days into what could be a twenty week bed rest.

Wow, that's sobering and chilling and wonderful that she was able to have a plan of action come to light before things got out of hand and put her or the baby in danger of any sort.

My bed rest was very short, though intense and led to a premature birth so I don't know at all how Deborah must feel right now.

I do know that part of this long process for her will be her everchanging outlook and forever swinging emotions.

According to friends of mine--Susan and Kayla--the first segment of such a long bed rest was unsettling and they resisted it mentally. They followed doctors orders and nestled into their nest, but in their minds they couldn't be there. Their minds went to their older, though still small children, the work they left for someone else--both at home and at the office, the friends they didn't feel ike seeing and those they were dying to. Nothing seemed to sit right even though sitting was all they had to do all day and night.

Then, at about 26 weeks--five weeks into things--they calmed down about the baby. Because the fetus was now past the age of viability, they focused on each day with baby inside as a day he or she matured, a day for celebration. Everything looked different, a little better, a little easier to believe that one day they would remember bed rest but it wouldn't have the suffocating force it did until that point.

Then, by the time they were in the 33rd week or so, they ants came back and they could barely stand some days. Now, it wasn't as nerve=wracking as before because they were pretty sure an early delivery would mean delayed homecoming for baby, but a good prognoisis overall. At 33 weeks, they were just stir crazy and ready to deliver as any mother would be.

Part of why we designed the website is to help ease other people through those segments of bed rest. None of it is easy and me telling you how two women rode the bed rest roller coaster in vague, optimistic terms isn't that helpful. But we think, some of the suggestions we've offered will help you as you eek out that difficult, though miraculous time of baby gestation.

We'd love to hear some of what you all have found to help you through bed rest--even if you're on it for a shorter time. And, thanks so much to Deborah for sharing your situation and for stopping by.


Mickinzy said...

I am on bedrest living in an old motel turned apartment. I think the mood swings are all a part of the mourning process of losing my life activities. Some days I am ok and able to occupy my mind, others.......well let's just say if I could I would high tail it out of here. I am an extremely active person and facing 118 more days of bed rest. People who say they wish they were on it have no freaking clue!

Vicki said...

I am on bedrest for half of my pregnancy. It's been a month of living hell. I am not a TV person and I am way to active to read. My mind wanders if the book doesn't grab me and these days, my mind wanders a lot. I think about what a state the house is in, that my husband couldn't boil an egg before all this and traveled too much to go grocery shopping with me, so that's foreign too. I stress about my son who looks forward to seeing my father in FL every April and that he won't get to this year. We just canceled our own family vacation to Bahamas too. It was an impromptu vacation that we all needed. This last year, we have had many deaths, one of which was my son Alexander that I delivered stillborn in June. I was six months along. The delivery took a lot longer that expected to occur. The drs feel that this process may have weakened my cervix which has caused me in this state. My cervix was weak and soft and ready to go. It was beginning to open when they went in to suture it shut. So now I have to stay in bed and stress. My son is very sad and stressed out. He isn't doing well seeing me in this state. I am going out my mind in this living horizontal hell.