Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Labor Day Has Passed

Well, labor day has passed and with it, for all of you on bed rest, the jokes related to delivering on that day. I hope everyone had a good stream of visitors over the weekend and also some time to relax.

My son just started kindergarten last week and it's forced me to think about transistions and revisit the idea of routines and what it means to us as human beings.

I nearly passed out when Jake disappeared into the enormous school and though I'd been looking forward to this day for him and me for so long, I was struck by instant emotion.

The kind that my mind doesn't always follow as I asked myself what the problem was. My mind thought "nothing, no problem, this is awesome." But my body did other wise and cued the tears.

It didn't make any sense and once I got myself together then next thing that came to mind was the birth of Jake--nine weeks early.

Nine weeks is a walk in the park these days, according to doctors, but having been shocked by the early birth, it sure didn't feel that way. Even with relatively small issues and the optimistic reassurances of doctors in the NICU, I couldn't stop crying, wondering if Jake would fall into the tiny proportion of babies who didn't progress so well.

But, the experience brought to mind how difficult transitions can be and how important it is to have people who support you in that strange time of bed rest.

How are you dealing with the way intellectual information plays on your emotions? Is it easy (for some people it is) or now has it been hard for you?

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