Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's Hot in Here!

Okay, so summer in Pittsburgh is chilly and pleasant this year, but Regina and I know spending time on pregnancy bed rest can be hellish. We'd like to support you as you sweat out the days, weeks or months and your life shrinks to the size of a bed or hospital room. We've been there, we've know how it burns to have a pregnancy turn in this unexpected direction and we're here to help see you through.

Regina and I (both of us have lived with some degree of bed rest with Regina possibly setting, or at the very least, sniffing a record of some sort) are thrilled you found us though sad that you're currently prone, waiting, frustrated and in need of this particular community. Some of you might feel a twinge of relief that your doctor took action, that being on bed rest puts the health of your pregancy in your hands at least a little, that is. We'd love to hear that end of the story as well.

Whatever your feelings and worries, your thoughts are welcome here as Regina and I offer our input on how to survive a very difficult time. We'll post to the blog several times a week and would love your comments in the hopes of creating a nurturing environment that peaks your interest and provides a respite from the sometimes insane existence called pregnancy bed rest.

In addition to telling us a little about yourselves, we'd love to hear what you want and need from your family and friends while you're on bed rest. If you head over to our website Bed Rest is Hell you'll find some of our suggestions of ways friends and families can help. But, we want your thougths as well to better fill out this world of bed rest and make it as painless as possible!

Feel free to comment as we'd love to hear your thoughts.


Regina and Kathie said...

What a great post! Just wanted to get things started...

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Hey girls! A friend of Kathie here! Love this concept and the idea! While I was never on bedrest, I did spent a lot of time lamenting (IN BED!) the fact that my third child was 11 days late. Also, Regina--I TOO have three children, Boy, Girl, Boy and they are ALSO between the ages of 5 and 9... how old is your daughter?

Did you read the book Bed Rest? I have comments on it, but won't share here.

Great idea girls!

Dr. Carol Utay said...

My sister-in-law just completed four months of bed rest with a wonderful baby boy. I wish all your advice was available earlier but it certainly helped both her and I during the last few months. Great insights and important tips. I looked for books I could send her and there really weren't any. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and advice. A grateful new aunt :)

Kathie said...

Stephanie and Carol, thanks for stopping by. I'm sorry we weren't up and running to help your sister-in-law, Carol, but I'm happy to hear of the great bed rest results. We'd love to hear some of her input on surviving bed rest.
Stephanie, if you have that fourth child and are ordered to bed, we'll be here for you too. Thanks again for the support. And, I have not read the book you referenced, but I think Regina might have...I'll pick it up.

Regina and Kathie said...

Thanks for the great comments Carol and Stephanie. My daughter is 7 - the first two are 18 mos apart and the 2nd and 3rd are 25 mos apart. I haven't read Bed Rest, but have read a lot about it and do intend to read it if I ever get time!